Author Archives: Kat Summers

You Don’t Have to Give Up Desserts

It’s actually easy to make desserts healthy, guilt-free, and satisfying! By restricting yourself from the foods you enjoy, you’re more likely to regain all the weight you spent weeks trying to lose. Here are some great ways to make dessert healthy:

  • Prepare cookies or brownies with whole wheat pastry flour and healthy oils
  • Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and goes wonderfully with fresh fruit.
  • Fresh fruit and yogurt can be paired for a sweet and healthy snack.

Is your sweet tooth getting the best of you? Use #LocalRoots to join the conversation!

Enjoy Healthy Fats from Oils, Seeds and Nuts

Healthy fats are essential for your health and help you maintain a healthy weight, decrease your risk of developing diabetes, and improve brain function. Some healthy options include avocado, olive oil, raw seeds, nuts, and nut butters. Below are some easy and tasty ways to include healthy fats in your diet:

  • Get your daily dose of Vitamin E, fiber, and essential minerals with raw almonds, cashews, dry roasted peanuts, and walnuts.
  • To limit cravings for sweets, enjoy a handful of nuts instead.
  • Use olive oil based salad dressings to incorporate Omega-3 oils for a healthy heart and brain.
  • Trail mix with yogurt and fresh fruit is a great way to include nuts in your diet. You can also enjoy a KIND Bar for an afternoon snack.

What’s your favorite healthy fat? Use #LocalRoots to join the conversation!

Incorporate Lean Protein and Beans into Your Diet

Protein is essential for tissue repair and immunity; however, you don’t need as much as you may think. Most people only need about 6 ounces of animal protein (or vegetarian substitute) per day. Caplan notes that consuming too much protein can lead to bone loss. Here are some great lean (low fat) protein options that you can include in your diet:

  • Enjoy flank steak, chicken, or turkey on sandwiches and salads, but be sure to avoid deli meats that are high in sodium nitrates; these include bologna, salami, and ham.
  • Enjoy fish for lunch or dinner. Fish is high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids, which help improve heart and brain functions.
  • Add unprocessed cheese to salads and quesadillas, or simply enjoy it with fresh or dried fruit and nuts for a sweet and savory treat.
  • Spread some olive oil or canola mayo (cold pressed) and spicy mustard and/or horseradish on your sandwiches to add some healthy fats into your diet.
  • For some extra zing, add sliced avocado and roasted red peppers to your sandwiches. To increase your daily dose of antioxidants, you can also add a few spinach leaves.
  • For a healthy lunch with an Asian flare, you can pack eight pieces of sushi or sashimi with some edamame and miso soup.
  • Beans are also a great source of protein, particularly for vegans and vegetarians. Some tasty options include beans soups, Mexican entrées, or tofu dishes. For something quick and simple, you can toss a can of beans into a fresh green salad.